Thursday, November 15, 2007

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

I am reading a book called Dr. Quinn,Medicine Woman Queen of the May,by Colleen O'Shaughnessy McKenna. The story starts in Colorado Springs where there is a lady doctor. Her name is Michaela Quinn. Dr.Quinn and Colleen her daughter have not been able to spend much time together. For the towns people have come down with the grippe. Dr.Mike has been putting in 12hrs a day, so one of the ladies from town took over for a little bit. Dr. Mike and Colleen can have some time together to talk about May day festival.


Anonymous said...

I've seen her show on tv. It's so different from the way we live now. I might check this book out.

Anonymous said...

Hi Retha I hope you are okay,and
very soon you can be with us
back in the class.