Thursday, January 24, 2008

The innocence of a girl

I remember when I was a child 5 years old. I just wanted a special toy. This toy was a Christmas present kitchen. When I saw the T.V., I saw some wonderful kitchen toy with a stove, oven and sink. It had a lot of stuff, and it was like a real one.

When I woke up in the morning, it was great because I thought "I have my genuine
kitchen". That morning I was ready to play with my "real one kitchen" a lot of my time. When I started to play I felt so excited. First I went to prepare a cake. When I was done I took the cake and put into the oven. I was so happy, I just needed to wait. When I heard the oven bell... SURPRISE!! The cake just was a toy not a real one. I felt so sad. Maybe the innocence of child was lost.

I never forgot this moment. When somebody reads my story maybe they will remember the child life. I'm thinking if played with some friends, I might have more fun.


Anonymous said...

Hi,Llily your story remembers me my daugther every morning when she cries for something,dear poor your mom sometimes is hard for we,to give our kids the best.When we think they are going to be so happy and instead of it,they cry we don`t understand what we did wrong.

Anonymous said...

Lilly the next day of school I'm going to bring to you a real cake.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Lilly: I think this was a beautiful gift for Santa and right now you can cook all the cakes you want and bring them to us.

Anonymous said...

Lilly, you are awesome for sharing...