Thursday, October 25, 2007

What's wrong with our kids today?

This is to ask everyone in the world what they think is wrong with our kids? I'm a mother who loves her kids and grand-kids, but I see all kinds of problems with the kids now days. And I want to help . So I'm asking any one to help me understand, what's going on in our kid's minds? So maybe there is away to help them before anything happens to them. So let me hear from anyone who can think of ways to help our kids grow into better adults. thank you,and I'll be waiting for your comments.


Anonymous said...

What is wrong with kids today? We might as well take a look in the mirror and ask what is wrong with ourselves...

Anonymous said...

Yes.... we are thier role models, for better or for worse.... if we want the world to be kinder and gentler, then we must be so ourselves. They will "do as we do", as they say.

Anonymous said...

Restrict television and get them out into nature! Nature is the antidote. Kids need to play outside and feel empowered to create their own little world in the wilderness. It worked for me as a child!

heinleinfan said...

I think the biggest "problem" with kids is the fact that so many people treat them like, well, kids. "Childhood" is a relatively new invention and I'm not sure it's been for the good of young adults. I'm not saying we need to go back to the days where 10 year olds were working in the fields, but kids are adults in training. They need that training. They need training on how to make decisions, and how to handle the consequences of their decisions. They need training on how to accomplish tasks, how to problem solve, how to make good choices, things like that. I think staring young with giving kids choices and decisions is an important part of helping them become good decision-making adults.

Anonymous said...

amanda you have a good one there,that is what i have been saying to my girls so your thankyou for you comment..

Anonymous said...

Sue your rigth as well, we do have to be good role models.But some times our kids look at other's in the way they act so they think if he can do it why can't i,but we do need to stop and look at what we are doing. thank you for your comment as well.

Anonymous said...

swiss miss whatyour saying about tv is rigth. our kid's do watch to much tv .and all kid's need be out door's more because tv show's our kid's how to be think you for your comment as well.

Anonymous said...

I think we need to have a lot of
patience with our kids, or else
they are going to talk to wrong
people instead of us.

Anonymous said...


certainly, you're right, everyday the situation with our kids is more difficult. I really think the most powerful weapon to fight with that is effective comunication and good relationship with them. The parents need to be parents and friends at the same time and never forget the support most important "GOD......"

Anonymous said...

Hey Retha, it's Danielle FROM CHURCH *laugh out loud* I think mothers and fathers have a huge impact on their kids...what they let them watch, listen to etc....but in this case (if you know what i mean) the mother really sets the example :( In her leniency, she isnt hard enough on her kids and therefore she's sending them the message that they can do whatever they want...and look at the that are so lost that there is only One who can change them...let's hope that happens at some point

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I think that one of the things that help a lot is to have a good communication, be a friend of your kid, be there anytime for he or she.I don't know why in this country being independent is so important, There is a lot to talk about, but just be there for them so when they have any problem they know Mom is there to listen, to help or anything.