Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Talk to them in a straight-forward way, using simple words. Be direct and call everything by its name, without beating around the bush or going to extremes. Sometimes you might feel anxious or embarrassed by some of their questions and want to change the subject. Never do that because it will only confuse them.

Show an interest in whatever they tells you. It is especially important not to judge them, laugh at them, or be sarcastic. Find the necessary time to talk with them when they asks. If there is some reason you can't talk right away and you promise to do it later, never break your promise.


Anonymous said...

Dayra it is true but some times we just forget about our promises.

Anonymous said...

You should write an advice book for parents! :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi. Dayra,what you write here, is all truth, but sometimes it`s so hard to be a parent.

Anonymous said...

Dayra, it's great be parent but is hard sometimes. I have a 12-year-old boy and I think that now is when hard times coming.